
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Long overdue update

Hey everyone! I can't believe it has been so long since my last post. I was hoping to continue blogging throughout last school year, but got busy with teaching, grad school and group fitness classes. I have been cooking all along, but I haven't had very much free time to stop and write about it.

For those of you reading who haven't heard the news yet, Forrest got a new job!!! So in June we packed up Casita Cory (with the help of our amazing small group friends from the Chapel) and moved down to Raleigh, NC. I got a job at a charter school down here teaching high school Spanish and we moved all of our belongings into a sweet little 2 bedroom apartment. This summer/early fall has been very hectic with both of us getting accustomed to our new jobs. Forrest is learning all of the biz of corporate fitness equipment sales and I am getting used to a longer commute, longer school day and a new year-round schedule. (By the way when Forrest reads this he will laugh at my "long commute" comment since he has put over 5,000 miles on his car since we moved down here!)

Needless to say it has been a whirlwind! Oh...and we have been house hunting and put an offer down on a home 5 weeks ago. It is a short sale so it takes a loooooooooong time for the bank to respond to our paperwork, but we are hoping*** to hear something this week! We know that God has a plan for us, we have seen that in how He worked out a job for Forrest in an industry he loves, a job for me at an awesome school and found us a great apartment where we didn't have to sacrifice luxury for price. God is good and we lift all of what has happened in our lives the past few months up to Him.

We have found a great church...The Summit Church here in North Raleigh and really love it. We have joined a small group with about 7 or 8 amazing couples from the Summit. I was having a tough time when we first moved here (I cried quite a bit...and I ate a lot...which made me cry some more...*sigh*), but one Sunday at the Summit I knew we had found our church home because for the first time in about 6 weeks I felt like I belonged somewhere in Raleigh.

Moving ain't easy, but knowing that God called us to this city has given me a peace in the midst of this transition (okay...I feel peaceful a lot...but to be completely honest I also cried for Williamsburg and my friends and anything vaguely familiar until about August).

Now...I haven't had much to cry about recently because with this awesome year round schedule I have had 3 WHOLE WEEKS OFF FROM WORK!!! woohoo :) So for those of you who aren't used to this (I am still trying to figure it all out!) in Wake County there are basically way too many students and not enough room for them all at one time in the schools, so several elementary and some middle schools work on year round schedules. Track In is when you are in school and Track Out is when you are out of school. My school doesn't follow the Wake County year round schedule so everyone tells me I am on a modified Track. I don't really know what it all means, but basically I work for 9 weeks and then I am off for 3 weeks. This coming Track In I actually work 9 weeks, but in the middle I have a week off at Thanksgiving. It is pretty amazing to have this time to relax and get my wits together. I am actually looking forward to going back to work on Friday.

With all of this time for my brain to actually ponder life I have been able to add some cool things into my daily more time for devotions, morning Zumba, having breakfast with Forrest, traveling to see my family and cooking!

Look forward to posting again soon!

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