
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Awesome Hair Tutorial

Hello all!

Things are a little hectic around Casita Cory this week because we are actually closing on the house today and moving in on Saturday! So, I am going to refer you on to some bloggers and/or videos that I really enjoy.

About a month ago a friend from work introduced me to the The Small Things Blog. She has several hair tutorials, but my favorite is her "How to Curl Your Hair with a Curling Iron" video. Check out the link to her site and watch the video.

I am absolutely terrified of curling irons. I once got one of those old brush/curling irons stuck in my little sisters head! I was in elementary school and had the good sense to unplug the thing, but my mom spent about four hours that night getting the curling iron out of the knotty mess in poor Jennie's head. I was in soooo much trouble!!! I knew then that hair styling was not in the cards for me...sigh.

In October I had my hair trimmed and the stylist took some time to curl it after she cut it, and I loved the way it looked. I went out and bought my own curling iron and tried with absolutely no success to repeat the style.  I watched this tutorial once and then did my hair and loved the way it looked. I have curled my hair almost every day since.

The day of my first attempt:

I have medium length hair and sometimes it curls naturally and sometimes it doesn't. I also have the kind of hair that when you just blow dry it out becomes frizzy. So I was really happy to find a way to style my hair that takes about 10 minutes and makes me feel better all day long! I use some extra hair spray to keep my fine locks from falling, but other than that this tutorial teaches you everything you need to know.

Try it out and let me know what you think!

Before the tutorial = hot mess

After the tutorial = controlled curls
One day I curled it, but decided to put it in a ponytail: 

yes...I took these pictures sitting at my desk at the end of the day...and my hair is still in one's a miracle!

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