
Friday, November 18, 2011

Pinspiration & Life

What a currrazy week. I am so very close to finishing my graduate school project. I will probably finish it up by Sunday, but I am taking a little break after a long day working on it to write this post. I made it through the week pretty well with only one full out meltdown on Tuesday night around midnight. And in the midst of my academic chaos, I took a group of 65 kids out to eat at a Mexican restaurant on Thursday. Double whammy. I came home yesterday after finally finishing the html program for my project (I still have some editing to the design documents and a final reflection paper to write) and crashed. hard. I took a glorious hot shower and passed out on my bed for about two hours--thank you weather blocking curtains!

But this week I had some really awesome things happen as well.

I stopped by a thrift store on my way home. I was really looking for a cool lamp/shade to dress up, but didn't find any. What I did find was this awesome wine rack for $5. I got in line to purchase it, but they don't take out-of-state checks. Boo. The staff kept trying to convince me to go use an ATM machine -- which would cost me another $5 (not a bargain anymore). I decided to just leave it there because the only real reason I was buying it was because it was just $5.

Then, I saw just what generosity looks like. The lady in line behind me told the cashier she would buy it for me. I insisted "No way José!" I am really not one for charity. The woman told me that she would buy it for me if I would do the same for someone else another day. Wow.

Now, I know it is weird to talk about God and wine racks in the same sentence...but I'm going for it here.

Forrest and I have been praying a lot about being more generous and I had just read a verse the day before about how God's mercy calls us to love others (which sometimes love happens in the form of generosity). I left feeling so aware of God's presence all around me and excited to take care of someone's financial need in the future.  

Let's skip ahead to Wednesday
As I have mentioned before I have had a .littlebit. of a hard time getting adjusted to my new city. Mostly I miss the friendships that I had established back in Williamsburg. I miss being able to call up my good girlfriend Danyelle to grab a coffee or dinner. I miss heading to Sweet Frog after working out with my gym girlfriends. I miss my weekly hang out times with Beth, and coffee on Wednesdays with Alexis and reading Cold Tangerines and talking about life with the girls in my small group. I miss the familiar faces I had grown to love at Starbucks, Trader Joe's and church.

A few weeks ago at Summit (our new home church) I ran into a girl who had gone through "Starting Point" with Forrest and me back in September. She and I are both new to this area, so I asked her if we could get together over coffee sometime (she goes to seminary like 2 seconds from my school). She texted me this week, and we met on Wednesday at the Wake Forest Coffee Company. You might already know about my obsession with that place.

It was such a blessing to sit down in the midst of this crazy week and talk about God, relationships, spiritual growth, and being new to a town, to a church, to a community. That conversation was a light in a rather abysmal week.

That conversation encouraged me.

I am building new friendships. The people we have met here are lovely. Our church is amazing. Our small group is full of couples I admire and want to be like. Life is good here.

Field trips are insane. Collecting money, permission slips, order forms...counting heads, organizing transportation...Why do people still do field trips? Although the week was crazy busy, and planning the trip was a bit hectic, it was awesome to see my kids out in the community, trying to speak Spanish, having fun, and understanding the wait staff.

Okay, I just wanted to share those things with you all, thanks for reading.

But is what has Pinspired me this week.

I want to try and sew a simple version of this soon...

I like this idea for creative gift wrapping

I'm loving this Saturday outfit

Source: via Megan on Pinterest

I want to make these

Source: via Megan on Pinterest

Striped walls are calling my name (I want one behind the headboard of our bed in the new house)

This looks delish. I can't wait to cook up something good this weekend.

What has pinspired you this week? If you haven't yet, you can follow me over at Pinterest by clicking on the icon over on the left!

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