
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Winning!: Felt Pendant Winner Announced!

Without further adieu....our winner is LexKa!!!!!

I used this random word picker

Congratulations, LexKa! Please email me  today at to claim your prize! (I will need your name and mailing address to ship your pendant...oh and let me know which one you would like)

Thank you to everyone for participating in the contest. I am thinking I will use your favorite cookies as inspiration for a future post! I hope to do more giveaways like this really soon! Thank you for coming over to Casita Cory and joining in on all the fun! 


...and speaking of winners...
Have you seen Nativity!?

I was on Netflix last night and stumbled upon this wonderfully hilarious Christmas pageant story. I laughed out loud so many times. The children who star in the film are hysterical and will keep you in stitches.

Seriously. Stop what you are doing and find out how you can watch this. Oh wait a want a sneak peak? Here is the trailer!

I have a loooong list of holiday movies that I really enjoy, but this one is very close to the top! You will totally love it. If you have Netflix, just search Nativity! if it doesn't already show up on your "Holiday Favorites" list.


Oh and speaking of children who make me laugh hysterically...

My lil C's "Other Auntie" dressed her up as a ballerina and taught her a few ballet moves from the Nutcracker...

....two more things... (there is just so much going on over here at Casita Cory today!)

1) I got so excited when I saw my giveaway listed on "Blog Giveaways" should check it out sometime and see what bloggers all over are giving away each day!

I had to capture it though...just because...

2) Remember how I told you that I was trying to fix up the blog myself? Well, I have made a little more progress...the chevron isn't perfect just yet...but I'm going to keep working on it. What do you think of the changes? 

Have an amazing Thursday friends! Oh and just in case you aren't counting we are just 10 days from Christmas Eve!!!

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